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Digital Marketing

Claire Roper

One Big Stinky Lesson in Digital Marketing we can learn from the creator of Poo-Pourri.

Content that evokes emotion is very powerful, and if you can make people laugh, then chances are people will love your brand. So a few days ago when my Husband and I watched a hilarious video on his Facebook feed, literally laughing out loud, infact my husband even shed a tear from all the hilarity. We proved that humour can ensure your target audience will buy your product.

What were we laughing at? A video which is pure marketing genius, a video advertising a product called Poo-Pourri. It had me at Hello, intrigued from the very beginning, it had hooked me in with it's light hearted poo humour, so much so that we jumped onto Amazon and bought a bottle!

What is Poo-Pourri?

A toilet spray which stops all those stinky smells, made from all natural products. Makes using the bathroom a lot more pleasant for the next person, as well for yourself, too (you don't have to smell the aftermath!)

Wait a minute, is that Potty Talk?

The genius mind behind this product, direct from the Poo~Pourri website, it was "invented by a stink-hatin’ gal named Suzy Batiz in a smelly bathroom near Dallas, Texas". Well I say hats off to Suzy, not only does your product work (I have three boys, we are stink no-more) but you have taken a stinky topic and turned it into super cool poo. Suzy enlisted the help of the Harman Brothers to take her Product to the next level. To find out more about that relationship check out an interview with Suzy in 2015.

Why does Poo-Pourri Marketing style work?

It's Humour! Humour is always a winner, and the Poo-Pourri website is full of humour, play on words, puns, jokes and good old fashioned toilet humour. With product names like; Ship Happens, Trap-A-Crap, Party Pooper, Dejva Poo and Royal Flush you can't help but giggle.

The website is also littered with not so subtle (but still very funny) messages; Let's Talk Crap and Stink Free Guarantee which really just begs you to buy a bottle or T-Shirt.

Poop, it's something every single person does

so their target market is, well, everyone. The child in us never disappears, which is why this marketing works so well, taking the taboo out of poo. This video has racked up over 34 million views on YouTube, their twitter feed has over 14 thousand followers (Of which I am one) and their Facebook page has over 91,000 fans, which is fantastic considering this was not a global household name.

Well done Poo-Pourri, proving that you don't have to be serious to be serious!

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