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Digital Marketing

Claire Roper

One has tweeted

The Queen has sent her first Tweet! Over the course of her reign Queen Elizabeth hasn't shied away from technology, in fact, she has embraced it. You can find the British Monarchy on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram and YouTube. She's even had her portrait done in Hologram and you can find her Christmas Speeches on Podcasts. Prince William and Harry even took part in a Google hangout, how cool is that! Here's a timeline of our Technically Savvy Queen.


1953 - The Queen allows television cameras inside Westminster Abbey for the first time during a State occasion for her Coronation. An extra half a million TV sets are sold in the weeks running up to the event.

1957 - The first live Christmas Broadcast on television. During her speech, Her Majesty mentions the benefits of new technology: ‘That it is possible for some of you to see me today is just another example of the speed at which things are changing all around us ... television has made it possible for many of you to see me in your homes’.

1958 - The Queen makes the first phone trunk call from Bristol to Edinburgh

1969 - The first television film about the family life of the royals was made; it was shown on the eve of the investiture of Charles as Prince of Wales. She sent a message of congratulations to Apollo 11 astronauts for the first moon landing on July 21, 1969. The message was microfilmed and deposited on the moon in a metal container

1960 - Her first prerecorded broadcast, allowing transmission around the world

1976 - Sends her first e-mail from a British army base

1997 - Buckingham Palace's first official website was launched

2002 - 3,521 journalists from over 60 countries are accredited via an Internet-based virtual press office to cover events to mark The Queen’s Golden Jubilee.

2003 - She sat for her first and only hologram portrait, which is made up of more than 10,000 images of the Queen layered over one another, giving it a 3-D effect.

2006 - The Christmas Broadcast, or ‘Queen’s speech’ is podcast for the first time.

2007 - The Official British Monarchy YouTube channel was unveiled

2008 - The Queen uploads a video to YouTube during a visit to the ‘Google’ offices in London.

2010 - The Official British Monarch opens a Flickr page and The Queen joins Facebook

2013 - The British Monarchy Instagram account is launched

2014 - The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry took part in the first Royal Google Hangout at Buckingham Palace, to mark the launch of The Queen's Young Leaders Programme. They talked to four people aged between 18 and 29 from around the Commonwealth about their work to make a difference in their communities

2014 - The Queen sends her first Tweet



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