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speaking | opportunties

fresh content, new ideas

2023 - TVNZ 1 Breakfast Interview

A live interview with myself and three young people from the Ōtaki Kids Market. We were interviewed live on air about the upcoming Kids Market.

2023 - TVNZ 1 Breakfast Interview

As the ambassador for the Ōtaki Market, I had the pleasure of engaging in a lively discussion with the hosts of TVNZ 1 Breakfast News.


We delved into the heart of the Ōtaki Market's Valentine's Day theme, "Love Your Local Market," spreading the word about the community spirit and local love.

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Conference Host

Invited to host the ConferenNZ 2024 "Communicating New Zealand" conference, I hosted a fun filled day with amazing speakers and presentations focusing on inclusion. I added a twist at the end and instead of giving my own chairs notes, focusing on the inclusion theme, I asked 5 people in the audience to share their main takeways from the day.

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Podcast co-host

The brainchild of Eve Laws, Poopology Podcast brings together women of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and colours to discuss the trials and tribulations of being a modern warrior woman. Special guests and regular friends .​​CO-HOST - Season 1,2 & 5

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2023 Interviewed | Newstalk ZB

Interviewed on Newstalk ZB about the very first Kids Market

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2022 Co-speaker | Social Media for Government NZ Summit

Invited to speak again at the annual Social Media for GOV NZ conference, myself and my colleague spoke about Trolling and online abusive behaviour. We discussed how as a team we deal with this narrative, digital strategy and how to counteract misinformation.

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2022 Co-Speaker | ConferenNZ

Mini Workshop: Effectively utilising budget: Running communication campaigns on a shoestring

Stretching budgets to get the best campaign ROI, Thinking creatively – bigger isn’t always better & Making your campaign fun and getting the community involved  

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2021 Co-speaker | Social Media for Government NZ Summit

How to adjust communications in real time to deliver timely and relevant content "We received excellent feedback on your presentation, and Porirua City Council was one of the most requested organisations by the delegates to interview when gathering insight for the 2022 agenda. As one of our standout speakers from last year, we wanted to reach out to invite you to participate in 2022." Bianca Almeida, Marketing Specialist, Akolade

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2021 Pannnelist | Social Media for Government NZ Summit

I was invited to be part of a industry panel to discuss the case for organic vs paid content strategies to reach and engage your audience  

  • Is engagement through organic posts a realistic and achievable goal in the new age of online saturation?  

  • Navigating the challenges of engaging your audience through organic and paid posts  

  • Allocating your budget effectively by ensuring you put your money behind the right content

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I was invited to be part of the Digital Marketing for Business workshop for Pacific Business Trust and Porirua City Council. This event was held for local business owners in Porirua who wanted guidance on the digital marketing, I led a 30 minute Q&A session on digital marketing practices, focusing on top tips and free digital tools for small business owners to utilise.

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 2021 Guest Co-Host | LGNZ Webinar

I was invited to created the framework and co host a webinar with Daniel Webster, Senior Communications Advisor Local Government from LGNZ. 

We discussed "How to build your channels and navigate the choppy seas of social media". 

The audience was Councii members from across New Zealand, there was an active Q&A session at the of the webinar. 

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Invited to speak at ConferenNZ 2020 "Communicating New Zealand" conference, I presented "How to engage the under 25's on social media within the public sector". This was based on four social media projects run at Porirua City Council, Waitangi Day, Children's Day, Valentine's Day and a three-day work experience programme.

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2019 Co-Host | WorkTech Roundtable

Part of the digital transformation strategy, we teamed up with WorkTech to host a workplace roundtable. I co-hosted with Technical Director John Hilderbrands, an discussed with an audience of workplace industry experts to debate and discuss the future of the workplace. With a focus on digital transformation for a modern workplace.


Speaker | conference "how to get leads from Social Media"

During a conference, I conducted a live demonstration of the Dashboard Vote, which was a social media tool which integrated with database, showing the audience how to engage with their own customers using a Facebook page which integrated directly with and generated social leads. ​


Speaker | conference

I spoke to at a conference on the Chatter Challenge, which was a successful organic social media campaign created for a implementation company. 

This company were huge users of a tool called Chatter, and this challenge was given to the CEO to use this tool as per primary communication tool, ditching email, phone, fax and mobile. 


Social media youth workshop | Houses of Parliament

Working with London based youth charity FutureVersity, with special guest Minister for Youth, I co-hosted a social media workshop for the youth, focused on their personal brand and how to keep safe online. Including special guest The Minister of State for Children and Families and CEO of FutureVersity.

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Youth Workshop | FutureVersity

Working with London based youth charity FutureVersity, with special guest Minister for Youth, I co-hosted a social media workshop for the youth, focused on their personal brand and how to keep safe online. Including special guest The Minister of State for Children and Families and CEO of FutureVersity.

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